A Holistic approach to coaching, with a focus on overcoming limiting beliefs, stress and trauma.

- To break free of old patterns? To understand what’s holding you back from living the way you truly want to. To feel your very best pysically and emotionally!
- I’m here to help you move beyond fear and doubt, to help you reach your potential. I will pinpoint and help you rewire every limiting belief or past trauma holding you back from manifesting your best life! My mission for you is to live with more joy and meaning, and help you become the happiest version of yourself, for you, and your family.
- If you are truly at that point in your life where growth is wanted, change is needed, and old patterns are ready to be broken…..Well my friend, you are exactly where you are meant to be, and I am so happy you found me!
If you’re anything like me you’ve tried reading self help books, listened to uplifting podcasts, downloaded the most recent meditation app. Maybe you’ve tried affirmations, some journaling, or even coaching before. These are healthy habits to form, wonderful things to do, and I hope you keep them up, (if you haven’t tried them yet, they really are great tools!) But often these things on their own are not enough to get us where we want to be.
Sometimes we just need more. We need immediate results, relief from emotional or physical pain and stress, or support for our desired changes. What I offer goes beyond the normal modalities of healing and works on a subconscious level to make immediate and lasting changes. Prepare for massive positive shifts!

Meet Katie
Katie is dedicated to helping mothers move beyond surviving and into fully thriving. She believes that in order to help our next generation, and raise children to be their best self, we MUST start with us. Children follow our example, our habits — not what we tell them, but how we live and what we do. The trickle effect of our own inner work is so much greater than we know. It can dramatically improve our relationships with our children, our partners, and how we show up in the world.
Katie is a wife, and a mother of two girls, with a special love for helping other moms live to their fullest potential. She is a PSYCH-K facilitator and certified life coach with the Centre of Applied Neuroscience. Her focus is on removing, and rewiring subconscious blocks due to trauma, stress, and limiting beliefs. She intuitively knows how to get to the root of her clients’ struggles and has great compassion and empathy for every story.
“Truly the greatest gift you can give is that of your own self transformation.“
Lao Tzu

How I got started- I was lucky enough to have a PSYCH-K treatment from my naturopath. I had been suffering for months from severe post-concussion syndrome from a bad car accident. I tried many avenues of healing from a multitude of physical symptoms- in addition, dealing with anxiety and grief from family members passing, and my own mother’s life changing cancer diagnosis. I leaned on my coaching tools and kept a positive mindset when I could, but I knew I needed more support for my healing. I can tell you without a doubt this treatment changed me inside. It removed the fear of driving my own car again, and relieved constant overwhelm and anxiety. I could finally look at old photos of my mom when she was healthy without breaking down. The pain in my body was finally easing, and I had more patience with my children. Healing was finally happening on a deeper level than ever before. It wasn’t until taking my own mom to see my naturopath that I realized just how powerful this work truly was. You see, you can somehow talk yourself out of your own transformation, but there is no denying it when you witness it first hand in your loved one. I brought my mother in that day, broken with grief from losing her own mom, and suffering from flashbacks keeping her up all night. She went from googling “Am I having a nervous breakdown?” to walking out of that one single treatment with a 50-pound weight taken off of her shoulders. That night she slept for the first time in weeks and has never since had a flashback. That was the day I decided I was going to become certified, I knew it was going to become my most powerful coaching tool, and if nothing else I could continue to support my own family. Now I’m so incredibly grateful to support yours.
“If you believe you can, or if you believe you can’t, you are right”
Henry Ford
Breaking Our Patterns
We have to break our patterns. We can’t grow and heal if we continue to believe our old stories. Who we are today does not define us. Every day, every moment, is a chance to choose new, a chance to grow and become a better version of the you from yesterday.
We’ve all been programmed from our childhood. Between age 7 and 10 we have already accepted who we are from our own perception of the world around us. From our parents, our experiences, media, friends; you name it. This sense of self, or belief system, becomes our identity on a subconscious level. Some inner beliefs are good, but many are unhealthy. They no longer serve us, or perhaps they never did. Our minds often need a little help to shift to a healthier, happier direction.
Think about this…..We have 60-70 thousand thoughts a day, and 95% are the same thoughts!!! What’s more concerning is that research shows that up to 80% of those thoughts are negative. Combine that with an inaccurate human memory of an average 50%. Crazy, right?! No wonder we need a little help!
So how do we change this loop?
I use a combination of coaching tools and PSYCH K to help you achieve your goals. From personal experience I know this gives the fastest and most profound results for lasting change. PSYCH K is a full brain modality of treatment, that uses very simple techniques and body positions for reprogramming the subconscious mind. It allows us to bypass your conscious mind by firing signals to both left and right hemispheres at the same time, allowing us to get to the subconscious level. It’s quick, easy and extremely effective.
Brain mapping (qEEG) now offers scientific validation that changes are in fact being made within the brain during the balance process. Neuroscientist, Dr. Jeffery Fannin, of the centre for Cognitive Enhancement in Glendale, Arizona worked with Rob Williams (founder of PSYCH K) and PSYCH-K beginning in January 2009. Together, they published a paper in the peer reviewed journal, “NeuroConnections” in September 2011 which documents the findings of 125 participants utilizing PSYCH-K and brain mapping technology.
“We cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.”
Elbert Einstien
I specialize in helping mothers
Not a mom? No worries, I would still love to help!
Removing and rewiring negative or limiting beliefs.
Stress and anxiety management. Trauma release
Strengthen relationships with yourself and others. Build confidence and compassion.
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about manifesting your best life!
What my clients say
I did a small session with Katie and it took no longer than 20 min, I kid you not, I am calm and at peace. I no longer feel that anxious feeling that was lingering since my panic attack a couple days ago. I feel relieved and like I can breathe normally again. I am so impressed and shocked on how fast it all worked! She is truly amazing! I recommend her services to everyone!! And I will continue to see her .
My whole body relaxed and I could physically feel my body change, like pressure in my head. I felt a sense of calm and relief, I was almost giddy from the whole experience, I couldn’t even access the past trauma with emotion anymore. It was there in a completely different way, like a fog was put around it and thinking of it no longer changed my state of mind.
You are truly an inspiration. My last PSYCH-K session with you is still paying dividends. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of it before. Full endorsements!
I was having some emotional pain associated with a co dependent relationship of mine. Things were starting to get a little intense for me as I began noticing this person making decisions that I perceived to be self sabotaging. I asked Katie if she could help me detach, enough that I could care and be there for this person without becoming too emotionally attached. At first the effects were subtle. I couldn’t tell immediately if anything had shifted for me. I slowly realized that the heaviness I had been feeling subsided and I felt lighter, most importantly as the days, and now weeks have past I have not felt triggered and I do not carry the same beliefs that I had been previously holding onto.
My packages
Book a complimentary 15 minute consult. It is important to me that my clients and I are a good fit. Lets get to know each other and set out a plan!
One hour video, or phone call
Package of 3 one hour calls
Twice a year I open the doors to work with me for 6 consecutive weeks, in my Joyfully Aligned online program. Be a part of an amazing like minded community, and supported every step of the way! Don’t miss out, sign up below to be the first to know!